Get it Together - 2020


We are a whole month in and four blog posts up. I cannot thank you enough for being part of this journey. Your support is amazing. 

Let's keep reminding our friends to read and join this family by subscribing and following.

So, July is here with us and this means a start to the next half of the year. How are you feeling about it? A lot has really gone sideways for most people, if not all, in the last couple of months. 

Some have lost their jobs, others on unpaid leave, schools have been closed, businesses have collapsed, churches have been closed down, curfews all over and there is no money. Well, everything is just in chaos. 

Your mindset can change your life.

This can really do a number on your mental health. Please check up on your friends constantly and try to share as much positivity as you can. It can go a long way.

You never really know what people are going through because they won't necessarily parade their difficulties and bad moments. If you can, please also pray for them.

Are you really okay?

Be a friend.

Anyway, we will expound on this another day (soon) because I have a lot to say on it.

Today we are going to dive into goal setting. Do you set any annual goals? I know some of us just ride along and see where the year takes them, yeah? Personally, am a firm believer in goal setting because I prefer planning rather than just moving with the wave. 

You see, despite this year being really complicated, I don't believe that all hope is lost. I still think there's a bit more to do other than dwell on what we ambitiously planned 6 months ago and now it's all in the pits.

A place of no return.

I like it when people remind us to wake up and dust ourselves off when we fall. We should not stagnate where we have fallen. There's not much we can do about everything we have lost, but the year isn't over guys 6 months is still a lot of time. 

How you rise is what matters.

There's still hope.

Go back to the drawing board, re-calculate and re-organise yourself. Make new goals, have new plans, dare to dream a little. Everything doesn't always work out the way we want it to but that's no excuse for giving up. You just might learn something new about yourself or do things you never thought you could do.

Make plans and watch God work through them.

However,  it is important for us to understand that how we make these goals infers a lot on whether they can be accomplished or not.

Most of us keep setting goals every new year but by the end of it, you've only managed to do one thing on your list.

The way these goals are being set could be the beginning of our problems or the road to accomplishment and satisfaction.

Write what you dream of.

There is a lot I want to share with you on goal setting, therefore, I have decided to make two parts of this post. The next post is going to be a continuation of this so that we can expound. 

There, I will break down how to set your goals to get better results. We all love good results. Also, I will share my journey on setting goals, the struggles I have experienced and the wins I have celebrated.

Until then,  please subscribe,  follow,  comment and share.

Tell me what goals you've set but haven't been able to accomplish.

Stay illuminated.
Miss Nyambura. 


  1. πŸ‘you doing great madam😍

  2. This is definitely a goal you scored... Bravo

  3. I was to apply for a passport,apply for a job abroad,save money for a vacation for my annual leave,move list is long...corona happened,am under unpaid leave,so accomplishing all these without money...cant happen(i think)...but i agree with you setting goals is important...last year i achieved all my goals except one that i moved to this year...

    1. So sorry about this, but God is in control.

  4. Goal are important drivers towards success... They guide you to what you want
    Yes you might not achieve them fully,, but you'll have taken a step

    Nice piece

    1. You'll have taken a step. I like this.
      Thank you.

  5. I qoute πŸ”₯"Everything doesn't always work out the way we want it to but that's no excuse for giving up." I think alot of people need to hear this. Keep up πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. True, there's a lot to life than what we think.
      Asante sana.

  6. I'm really enjoying your blogs. I'm proud of you

  7. πŸ”₯πŸ”₯😍😍 I Enjoy your blog

  8. Am reading this at the right time. It's time to set some goals!

  9. Eeh😍😍😍good one.. You have good blogs girl


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